I made it all the way through the 550 pages of this slog of a book. It was the old courtroom thing of needing to know who won the case. It was NOT good writing, great plotting, suspense, or interesting characters. The legal case--always the centerpiece of a Grisham novel--pitted Big Tobacco against Anti-Smoking. Thus, the book was badly dated, since the tobacco companies have lost millions and compensated millions. Money motivated the tobacco companies so much that they continued to produce a cancer-causing product and market it aggressively. Money motivated the plaintiff's attorneys, who counted on billions in payments from future lawsuits if they won. It was not clear whether the plaintiff herself--the widow of a man who died of lung cancer after 40 years of smoking--was wanting money or wanting to make a point. She was not developed as a character.
The plot was preposterous--two beyond-reasonably skilled tobacco haters and one money/power-grabber scheming to control a jury, sometimes at cross-purposes and sometimes in concert. Their tactics were far-fetched and presumed that determined people can access anything they want any time. It might be true, but it wasn't plausibly presented.
The Unlikeables |
But the real killer of this book was its complete lack of action. People sat. They moved to another place and sat. People talked while sitting. People sat waiting for people to talk. All of the critical action happened off camera.
Why I Quit Smoking
In adolescence I did some experimenting with smoking. I think I was trying to counteract the goody-goody reputation that I had inherited unawares from my sisters. I liked the idea of being on the fringes of badness. I'm sure I inhaled because I'm sure I coughed, choked, and puked. But it was a flirtation more than anything. My next-door-neighbor girl, who perfectly fit the profile for a teenage smoker, was my partner in crime. And we had to hide it from her parents, although they were heavy smokers themselves.
I don't remember being particularly influenced by cigarette advertising. But then I wouldn't! I can, though, call up images, slogans, song snippets. Everything from Virginia Slims to Marlboros. But I can do the same for beer and liquor and I didn't become a drinker. I leave this to smarter people than me (and smarter than Grisham) to figure out.
I never really tried to quit because I knew I didn't want to. I would talk about it to palliate other people. But then several things happened at once--sort of the perfect storm of me quitting.
First, I began to be isolated at work. I was subliminally aware that a certain group of people and then most people did not want to sit near me or probably be anywhere near me. None of my co-workers after a transfer smoked. None! Nicotine still owned me at this time, so I didn't really process this information. I see it in retrospect.
Second, I joined a support group based in 12-step practices and became familiar with the steps and slogans. When I finally quit, I used some of this in planning my withdrawal period.
Simplified version of the steps |
Fourth, I now know that not starting to smoke until age 20 probably was of great assistance in my quitting the habit. People who start in their teens have a much tougher time...their brains have developed in the presence of tobacco. Mine didn't.
And so, I decided one day to quit smoking and then I did it. I went cold turkey. I took vacation days so that I could treat myself like I was in a nice detox center. I had orange juice, candles, and good food ready. I planned routes for walks. I decided that if it was bad, I would remember that I was going to FEEL it, because that was now my goal and the bad feelings would therefore be welcome.
And I did not look back, although I have been tempted many times. In fact I dream as a smoker sometimes and I dream of starting again. Weird. I have felt my hand move itself over a pack of cigarettes and I had to tell it NO! We don't do that anymore.
I hereby formally apologize to anyone I gassed with second-hand smoke, to anyone whose clothes smelled bad after they were with me, especially the people who accepted me as a smoker because they loved me to much to keep me away. I apologize forever.