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Friday, March 1, 2013

Blogging from Mojoe's in McArthur

Guess what--McArthur has a coffee house...Mojoe's at 200 W. Main Street, formerly Jack's Bar. This is my second visit--I had a frappe yesterday and today I've sucked down a fabulous cappuccino with flavoring and whipped topping. The wi-fi is free, so I've been sitting here blogging away while customers come in and out. I feel sooo Northwest coastal, although most of the clientele so far has come in from the middle school!

It's cool having a place for coffee. It's nice to have a place to hang out without feeling like I have to order a meal...nursing a cup of coffee for an hour or two is the exact right thing to do here. It's a godsend for a writer...the right mix of isolation and companionship, private and public at the same time. Somehow, writing in public bypasses the writer's block mechanism that so often afflicts me at home. My mind is free. I even made up a new word in the course of my previous blog entry--dreamality, the state of a dream, which can have a much higher level of reality than fact. Many truths are intuitive rather than reasoned.

Mojoe's has the standard array of coffee drinks, hand-dipped ice cream (the only location for this in the county that I know of), and cookies, but has plans to start offering food as soon as they reach an accord with the health department. That will be cool, too. And, dig this: They may have bagels. Bagels. In McArthur. Not from the freezer case. That would remedy one of my greatest deprivation...I miss a good  bagel so much!

Coffee and a bagel takes me back to my college days, when I first learned to drink coffee and had my first bagel ever and learned what cream cheese was and learned that there were other kinds of cheese besides American. Those were heady times. And now we might have them right here in our town. The mists are rising in my brain...the caffeine is saturating my imagination, blending past, present, and future like the milk, coffee, and ice in a frappe. Wonderful.

See you at Mojoe's!

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